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Themaon the road to the fire station32 Beträge
RubrikFreiw. Feuerwehr
AutorChri8s M8., Velbert / NRW512059
Datum01.10.2008 11:177325 x gelesen
Hi there Luc,

I completely agree and it is a very fristrating situation sitting on the appliance waiting for the volunteers to arrive. I have heard complaints about that from our staff as well. However, the essence should be summed up under: rather 3 minutes late than 40 years too early.

I know it sounds disrespective of the fact that at the scene People are struggling to survive in worst case scenarios.

The threat, then again, of having another three incidents on hands due to volunteers rushing to the station is apparent in my eyes.

The problem (challenge) you are facing is the mode d´employ. I guess what you could do to have a minor chance to get this issue rolling would be a serious awareness campaign in your region to educate civilians that your signalisation component becomes known throughout the population but this does take the resource you have least: Time! ( ok! And even more money!)

Further you would have to point out that the "bling-bling-Tool" fulfils a request rather than a command function.

I see a very complex beaurocratic work load in front of you. maybe your guys in Belgium "tick" differently to our members. For Germany I would strictly rule out any form of private vehilce signalisation.

Just to indicate how the scenario is here. We are not even allowed to put on the hazard lights. If we get caught, see prior post above!

And then there are always the aftermath scenarios if ( sorry!) Shit hits the fan, i.e. if something goes badly wrong. It might be a high price you´re going to pay in the end.

I realise the situation is highly frustrating but just keep in mind that (1)a volunteer late at the station is much less dramatic than (2)a chilled injured by a volunteer rushing to the fire house. Issue 1 will get no press, issue 2 will get ALL press.

Bets regards


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AutorFran8k S8., Großraum München / Bayern511993
Datum01.10.2008 08:347274 x gelesen
Moin Klaus,

Navi haben wir auch auf dem LF mittlerweile.

Ich meinte die Fahrt zum GH. Für die Fahrt mit dem Einsatzfahrzeug brauche ich keine technische Spielerei im Privatfahrzeug (und um die ging es ja!).

Und das Gerätehaus finde ich auch so. =0)

Bevor jetzt Fragen aufkommen, warum wir auf unserem LF ein Navi haben. Wir kennen uns in unserem Einsatzgebiet sehr wohl aus - nur werden wir auch in andere, nicht zu uns gehörende Gebiete alarmiert und zu Überlandhilfen. Dafür dann das Navi!

Das von mir geschrieben stellt meine persönliche und private Meinung dar. Ich schreibe nicht im Auftrag oder stellvertretend für meine Feuerwehr oder sonst jemanden.
Wen meine Ausführungen stören oder wer sie nicht versteht, oder sich der Bedeutung meiner Worte nicht ganz sicher ist, der spreche mich Bitte persönlich an.

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AutorKlau8s B8., Isernhagen / Nds511992
Datum01.10.2008 08:327308 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Klaus Pilger Hallo Namensvetter,

auch wenn der S. B. aus A. schneller war als ich ........ *schluchz* ....

Geschrieben von Klaus Bethge

Oha, richtig, Stephan hätte ich wenigsten ebenso Dank sagen sollen f.d. Antwort.

Mea Culpa


"so weit sind wir noch nicht."

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AutorLuc 8M., Gistel / Belgien511988
Datum01.10.2008 08:127313 x gelesen
When volunteer personel drive to the station for a emergency call they can speed up, but this is on their own responsibility. If they get a fine our Kapt. will give a written statement that he was on a emergency call and this fine will be dismissed. Driving through a red light with your PV is not alowed.
When driving a emergency vehicle we also speed up and go through red lights after having stopped first to see the road is free to cross. When crossing a red light without stopping or driving more than 35 km and you are flashed with the speedcamera you will be fined and you will have to pay the fine.
I hope this will answer your question Anton.

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AutorKlau8s P8., Jülich / NRW511975
Datum30.09.2008 23:367421 x gelesen
Hallo Namensvetter,

auch wenn der S. B. aus A. schneller war als ich ........ *schluchz* ....

Geschrieben von Klaus Bethge
so weit sind wir noch nicht.

kommt ja Alles erst noch so richtig ... bei uns im Kreis werden die NEF`s auch erst schrittweise darauf umgestellt ....

mkg Klaus

ein Stück VA- Stahl ..... 30,00 €
Schraubstock, Flex, Kleinteile 200,00 €
ins Feuerwehr-Forum schreiben ..." ..icke feil mir nen Hühdrantenschlüssel und mach mir selbstständich.." ..... unbezahlbar ....
Für alles Andere gibt es Desaster-Card !!!

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AutorJose8f M8., Bad Urach / BaWü511959
Datum30.09.2008 22:077374 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Frank SewingDu fährst mit Navi zum Alarm???

Nein, das würde etwa dreimal solang wie zu Fuß dauern, weil das Autochen in der Tiefgarage steht.

Mein Orientierungssinn ist eine Legende: Und zwar eine von denen die man immer noch sucht...

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jo(sef) Mäschle

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AutorAnto8n S8., Köln / NRW511953
Datum30.09.2008 22:037390 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Luc Maenhoudt Hello,
I am a professional fire fighter in Belgium. I am looking into what the voluntary firefighters are using in their private vehicles to respond to a emergency call to the fire station. Do you use a blue or red light in your car or is this not permitted by law in your country?

Hi Luc,

welcome to the forum.

Since we're already on the subject of volunteer firefighters using their private cars to respond from home/work to the station, I was wondering how Belgian law is applied to the so-called "Sonderrechte" (special rights allowing emergency vehicles to cross red lights and exceed posted speed limits (which are in turn regulated by paragraph/section §35 of the German [StVO - Straßenverkehrsordnung] - governs the rules and regulations of the road)). This paragraph has garnered much controversy here in Germany in the past due to the question who is liable for any accidents caused by firefighters/emergency personnel responding to the station/calls in their own vehicles.

How is this dealt with in Belgium and are Belgian emergency personnel also exempt from the rules of the road in an emergency while responding in their own cars?

Greetings from Cologne,

FMA FF Köln Löschgruppe Lövenich

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AutorKlau8s B8., Isernhagen / Nds511947
Datum30.09.2008 21:507333 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Dietmar ReimerSo ist das..


so weit sind wir noch nicht.

Noboy is perfect


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AutorDiet8mar8 R.8, Essen / NRW511946
Datum30.09.2008 21:447419 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Klaus BethgeHabe ich das richtig verstanden, dass Ihr Euren "Kurs" via Einsatzleitrechner erhaltet?

So ist das...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dietmar Reimer

*Planung ersetzt den Zufall durch Irrtum*

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AutorStef8an 8B., Alpen/Aachen / Nordrhein-Westfalen511945
Datum30.09.2008 21:427325 x gelesen

Geschrieben von Klaus Bethge
Habe ich das richtig verstanden, dass Ihr Euren "Kurs" via Einsatzleitrechner erhaltet?

In der Regel werden dem Navi über Funk (FMS-Kurztext), GSM oder POCSAC die Zielkoordinaten geschickt und das Navi berechnet die Route selbst.

Im Kreis Wesel wird das auch genutzt. Man ist sich aber wohl noch nicht schlüssig, welches die beste Übertragungsmölichkeit ist.

Mit kameradschaftlichen Grüßen

Feuerwehr Alpen
Auch wenn es eigentlich klar sein sollte: meine hier geschriebenen Beiträge sind nur für die Veröffentlichung in diesen Forum gedacht und sie stellen auch nur meine persönliche Meinung dar.

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AutorKlau8s B8., Isernhagen / Nds511941
Datum30.09.2008 21:377496 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Klaus PilgerBei uns im Kreis werden bei den neuen NEF die Koordinaten für die Navi in der Alarmierung mit übertragen ... so what?

mkg Klaus

Hallo Klaus,

das interessiert mich jetzt, da ich gerade einen Artikel über neue NEF geschrieben habe.

Habe ich das richtig verstanden, dass Ihr Euren "Kurs" via Einsatzleitrechner erhaltet?

Oder gibt der Fahrzeugführer das Ziel per Hand in das Navigationsgerät ein?

Sehr interessiert,

Dein Namensvetter

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AutorLuc 8M., Gistel / Belgien511925
Datum30.09.2008 20:527446 x gelesen
Hi Chris,
Most of the points that you bring forward are true, never the less it would be easier when people could tell when it is someone responding to an emergency call.
Sometimes a minute could make the difference when responding to an ambulance emergency call. We also have an ambulance service in our station.

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AutorChri8s M8., Velbert / NRW511877
Datum30.09.2008 16:317542 x gelesen

I close my case! Nothing to be added!

The separate driving licence is a harsh measure but then again.... it´s done in the German Forces as far as i know so why not?!

Best regards


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AutorMarc8el 8L., Burgdorf / Niedersachsen511824
Datum30.09.2008 12:297533 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Luc MaenhoudtWhen a fire or road accident I call up the voluntary firefighters to come to the station.

Apart from the discussion about the strobes... How does it work in your town with paging volunteers? Do they carry pagers? And isn't it task of the 112-operator to alarm those volunteers?

Looking forward to a reply. If you wish, via private message.


47% aller deutschen Frauen würden gern mit Feuerwehrleuten schlafen. (Quelle: Stern NEON Ausgabe April/07)

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AutorSven8 W.8, Hemer / NRW511823
Datum30.09.2008 12:287530 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Klaus PilgerBei uns im Kreis werden bei den neuen NEF die Koordinaten für die Navi in der Alarmierung mit übertragen ... so what?

Jau, dat haben wir aber auch :-))) Standart

Aufpassen!!! Bin heute supi gut gelaunt....... ;-)))))

Grüße, Sven

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AutorKlau8s P8., Jülich / NRW511821
Datum30.09.2008 12:247713 x gelesen
Hi .... whatsup bro .-)))

Geschrieben von Chris McPartlin
without knowing you possibly pin-pointed one of the most discussed isues among voluntary firefighters and those who are to become such.

closely followed by the phrase .. don`t blame it on us ... we`re only volunteers..."

Geschrieben von Chris McPartlin
The problems are, apart from those already mentioned, that you have young guys and girls transferring from the youth fire service to the volunteers. Now thats facts one: "In Germany, the age where you are entitled to drive a car is 18. So just imagine giving a novice driver, who is hardly capable of controlling his vehicle, an additional item enabling him to rush through civilian traffic.
(No discussion needed to evaluate the consequences or?)

There are still some optimists to argue that the regulations for drivig licenses should be extended (grosweight limmitations etc) what I consider to be senseless - I personally would prefer the american standard where a drivers licenses expires after a period of 3 years autmatically and has to be extended on application by the owner as long as he / she does not have exceeded a certain ammount of tickets / points in behalf of rude traffic violations such as driving under influence of drugs and / or alcohol aso and or investigations in process

In addition to that I consider a sperate drivers licence for firefighters - no matter of volunteer or whatsoever - conditions written above, as necessary!

Geschrieben von Chris McPartlin
The second threat is that if a civilian hears the signal horn and sees the blue lights plus a red car, one would expect them to have enough time to ract. This is theory. You should take a look under youtube, how many people just loose their capability to control or judge their car in traffic suddenly. Now imagine the Car NOT being red and NO horn being audible. Suddenly there are just lights saying "Get out of the way!" The shock and the Rate of possible panic reaction are significant.

one of the main argument of policemen and state dept.- officials against signal lights used on pov`s!

Here I frankly inteprete the german item "Ministerium des Inneren" as "State Dept" .....

Geschrieben von Chris McPartlin
What about insurance, ever thought of that issue?
If a volunter bashes his car up, who´s to pay? The car insurance? Well, that could be seriously tricky! The Fire service? Poor Budgets!!!

thats not the point ... worst scenario is the question which insurance company has to pay third party damages .... and they sure will call a court to get it back depending to the case thats opened by the police / DA

Geschrieben von Chris McPartlin
Just to break it down to my specific department: If an when we are caught with "bling-Bling-Tools" like those we are immediately dismissed /suspended, loose our pager and get some time to sit at home and do some serious thinking.

unlawful use of official ensigna, trafic violations as overspeeding, careless driving, cause of third party accidents ... so thats no reason to make somebody walk for a while and think of whether the salvation army would be some better association than a volunteer fire dept. ......

yours sincerely

ein Stück VA- Stahl ..... 30,00 €
Schraubstock, Flex, Kleinteile 200,00 €
ins Feuerwehr-Forum schreiben ..." ..icke feil mir nen Hühdrantenschlüssel und mach mir selbstständich.." ..... unbezahlbar ....
Für alles Andere gibt es Desaster-Card !!!

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AutorMich8ael8 R.8, GL (Köln) / NRW511816
Datum30.09.2008 11:537533 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Marc DickeyWer das Orientierungsvermögen von Josef kennt... *g*

Wie der Krieg kein Lotsenfahrzeug ? *duckundrenn*

Rück meine Aktentaschen Raus, die hatte ich bestellt ,-)

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Roleff

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AutorMarc8 D.8, Bad Hersfeld / Hessen511815
Datum30.09.2008 11:527730 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Frank SewingDu fährst mit Navi zum Alarm???

Wer das Orientierungsvermögen von Josef kennt... *g*



Brandschutzverein Hersfeld e.V.Aktuelle Infos: Empfehlung Helmkennzeichnung (PDF)
Flyer: "Selbstschutz Grundkurs" (PDF)

Artikel 5 - Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.
(2) ...

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AutorMich8ael8 R.8, GL (Köln) / NRW511795
Datum30.09.2008 11:127632 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Klaus PilgerBei uns im Kreis werden bei den neuen NEF die Koordinaten für die Navi in der Alarmierung mit übertragen ... so what?

Ein benachbarter Kreis hier im RP Köln hatte das schon vor Jahren,
mit den KTW auf Fernfahrt konnte man dann:
"Kill den fremden ELR spielen"

Da der Standort als Antwort an die LTS mit übermittelt wurde.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Roleff

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AutorKlau8s P8., Jülich / NRW511794
Datum30.09.2008 11:107717 x gelesen
einen schönen guten Morgen ....

Geschrieben von Frank Sewing
*Scherzmodus ein*
Du fährst mit Navi zum Alarm???
*Scherzmodus aus*

Bei uns im Kreis werden bei den neuen NEF die Koordinaten für die Navi in der Alarmierung mit übertragen ... so what?

mkg Klaus

ein Stück VA- Stahl ..... 30,00 €
Schraubstock, Flex, Kleinteile 200,00 €
ins Feuerwehr-Forum schreiben ..." ..icke feil mir nen Hühdrantenschlüssel und mach mir selbstständich.." ..... unbezahlbar ....
Für alles Andere gibt es Desaster-Card !!!

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AutorDani8el 8M., Jockgrim / Rheinland-Pfalz511782
Datum30.09.2008 10:387794 x gelesen

well I think it would be better and easier to profess 5 more men at the fire-service than get such lights lawfull for the volunteers.

Written by Luc MaenhoudtWhen a fire or road accident I call up the voluntary firefighters to come to the station. It is very frustrating to wait untill they are in the station.
Beleave me, i know this situation. I live next to our fire-station and so i am often the first ariving at the station. And i often have to wait up to 5 minutes until the first engine lieves the station. This time is even necessary until professional help is on their way. And i am confessed that no blinking things and parts at privat owned cars can shorten this time down that you and your mates can lieve the station down up to 6 minutes.

Written by Luc MaenhoudtWhen they have to drive through the center of our town it will take long to get here.
And so you see, that they have to drive through inner city traffic jam. What should the lights help there? In this situation they better fly or run. :-)


Frei nach Artikel 5, Absatz 1 GG: Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

Nur weil oben als Wohnort Jockgrim steht und ich dort bekanntermaßen Mitglied der Feuerwehr bin, muß man nicht meinen ich beziehe mich in Postings nur auf das, was dort geschieht.
Ich habe durchaus meine EIGENE Meinung!

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AutorChri8s M8., Velbert / NRW511774
Datum30.09.2008 09:477832 x gelesen
Hi Luc,

without knowing you possibly pin-pointed one of the most discussed isues among voluntary firefighters and those who are to become such.

The problems are, apart from those already mentioned, that you have young guys and girls transferring from the youth fire service to the volunteers. Now thats facts one: "In Germany, the age where you are entitled to drive a car is 18. So just imagine giving a novice driver, who is hardly capable of controlling his vehicle, an additional item enabling him to rush through civilian traffic.
(No discussion needed to evaluate the consequences or?)

The second threat is that if a civilian hears the signal horn and sees the blue lights plus a red car, one would expect them to have enough time to ract. This is theory. You should take a look under youtube, how many people just loose their capability to control or judge their car in traffic suddenly. Now imagine the Car NOT being red and NO horn being audible. Suddenly there are just lights saying "Get out of the way!" The shock and the Rate of possible panic reaction are significant.

Ok, now not all firefighter Volunteers are 18, I admit and some would probably use these devices in a correct or at least resonsible manner. The threat for the civilian public remains apparent.

What about insurance, ever thought of that issue?
If a volunter bashes his car up, who´s to pay? The car insurance? Well, that could be seriously tricky! The Fire service? Poor Budgets!!!

What if a second party is involved in the accident? Again, who would be eligable to compensate damage or even worse health/sickness costs?

The fact mentioned above that most incidents ocur during daylight is a valid fact against these devices for the simple reason, you can´t even see them really.

Just to break it down to my specific department: If an when we are caught with "bling-Bling-Tools" like those we are immediately dismissed /suspended, loose our pager and get some time to sit at home and do some serious thinking.

It is understandable that 6 minutes is not a lot of time but I for myself always have found the time to drive to the station in a sort of legal manner (ok inner city speed limit is 50, I tend to go 60-65)

I am not saying that the device is the cracking factor... as always, its the guy or girl behind the wheel and the surrounding factors. Sad but true. I consider such a form of volunteer staff singalisation for non-applicable, non-feasable and irresponsible.

Best regards


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AutorFran8k S8., Großraum München / Bayern511762
Datum30.09.2008 08:458008 x gelesen
*Scherzmodus ein*

Du fährst mit Navi zum Alarm???

*Scherzmodus aus*

Das von mir geschrieben stellt meine persönliche und private Meinung dar. Ich schreibe nicht im Auftrag oder stellvertretend für meine Feuerwehr oder sonst jemanden.
Wen meine Ausführungen stören oder wer sie nicht versteht, oder sich der Bedeutung meiner Worte nicht ganz sicher ist, der spreche mich Bitte persönlich an.

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AutorJose8f M8., Bad Urach / BaWü511760
Datum30.09.2008 08:357890 x gelesen
Geschrieben von Luc MaenhoudtI have made a gadget that the fire fighters in my station can use in their vehicle on their way to the station.

Hi there!

Sorrry to hear that: Seems to be a useless effort to me because you can buy lots of this stuff: klick

Two more questions:

It is god to be well seen during the night, but in Germany the main traffic jams occur during daytime.
Regarding to this fact I don´t think it is a useful solution for the described problem. So what do you do during daytime?

Moreover: During the the night I dislike even the reflection of my navigation system in dark mode in the windscreen. The flashing LEDs seem quite dangerous to me from this point of view. How do you think about that?


Tut mir leid zu hören, denn es gibt eigentlich schon genung davon fertig zu kaufen (Link oben)

Ich hätte da auch noch zwei Fragen:

Es ist ja nicht schelcht, nachts gut gesehen zu werden, aber in D treten die meisten Staus tagsüber auf. Deshalb halte ich das für keine sinnvolle Problemlösung. Was ist zur Tageszeit vorgesehen?

Darüber hinaus: Bei Nachtfahrten finde ich bereits die Reflektionen meines dunkel gedrehten Navis in der Windschutzscheibe stpörend. Die Reflektionen in der Scheibe durch die blinkenden LEDs erscheinen mir aus dieser Sicht sehr gefährlich. Wie siehst Du das?

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jo(sef) Mäschle

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AutorLuc 8M., Gistel / Belgien511756
Datum30.09.2008 08:007771 x gelesen
Thanks Klaus.

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AutorLuc 8M., Gistel / Belgien511755
Datum30.09.2008 07:598003 x gelesen
Hello Daniel,
Your English is just fine. Better than my German.
I understand that you are confused. Yes I'm a professional fire fighter. I live together with my wife and 2 children (18 and 22 ) in the firestation. When a fire or road accident I call up the voluntary firefighters to come to the station. It is very frustrating to wait untill they are in the station.
The ministerie gives us 6 minutes to leave the station with 5 firefighters. When they have to drive through the center of our town it will take long to get here.
Now someone in the ministrie would like to help me get this lawfull. But he wants me to look into what is used in Europe.
That's the whole story.

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AutorKlau8s P8., Jülich / NRW511745
Datum30.09.2008 01:007995 x gelesen
good night at first,

I had a large discussion on this topic with a few police officers tonight and I let you know their oppinion on this tomorrow ...

I can only share my oppinion on this topic - but there are some arguments I would like to let you know. Maybe they are interesting even for you when you plan to put something one the scene for that.

But - don`t blame it on me - I`m on my feet since 06:00 hrs and still even busier than a onelegged man in an asskicking contest, I`ll sure write something tomorrow to let you know more...

yours sincerely

ein Stück VA- Stahl ..... 30,00 €
Schraubstock, Flex, Kleinteile 200,00 €
ins Feuerwehr-Forum schreiben ..." ..icke feil mir nen Hühdrantenschlüssel und mach mir selbstständich.." ..... unbezahlbar ....
Für alles Andere gibt es Desaster-Card !!!

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AutorDani8el 8M., Jockgrim / Rheinland-Pfalz511743
Datum30.09.2008 00:538132 x gelesen
Good eveninig to Belgium Luc,

Written by Luc MaenhoudtLike in your country we sometimes use signs and lights that are not lawfull. But police often turn an eye to help us.
I don´t think and hope already, that german policemen will turn an eye on this. I don´t want to see, how our streets are crapped with lights from volunteer firefighter´s cars their way to the fire-station because of an emergency call.

Written by Luc MaenhoudtI'm looking into this because someone in the ministrie is willing to help me get this made lawfull.
If we get there I think this will take a lot of work and time.

I don´t understand the circumstance that you as a professional firefighter need such lights to come fast to the firestation. If you are professionals, you have your worktime on the station, haven´t you?! And if there is a big fire an you have to come to work, there is time to go there, or does fire burn faster in belgium? :-)

Oh Mann, was ein bescheidenes Englisch...


Frei nach Artikel 5, Absatz 1 GG: Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

Nur weil oben als Wohnort Jockgrim steht und ich dort bekanntermaßen Mitglied der Feuerwehr bin, muß man nicht meinen ich beziehe mich in Postings nur auf das, was dort geschieht.
Ich habe durchaus meine EIGENE Meinung!

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AutorLuc 8M., Gistel / Belgien511690
Datum29.09.2008 19:518656 x gelesen
Thank you Thorsten and Klaus.
Like in your country we sometimes use signs and lights that are not lawfull. But police often turn an eye to help us.
I'm looking into this because someone in the ministrie is willing to help me get this made lawfull.
If we get there I think this will take a lot of work and time.
I have made a gadget that the fire fighters in my station can use in their vehicle on their way to the station.
I have put a lot of time in this.
I know already that in Holland they also don't have anything to help them get in the station quicker.
Thanks again for your answers.

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AutorKlau8s P8., Jülich / NRW511677
Datum29.09.2008 19:088713 x gelesen
Hi there ....

Geschrieben von Luc Maenhoudt
I am a professional fire fighter in Belgium

So .. let me say "hello to the neighbourhood" ....

Geschrieben von Luc Maenhoudt
I am looking into what the voluntary firefighters are using in their private vehicles to respond to a emergency call to the fire station. Do you use a blue or red light in your car or is this not permitted by law in your country?

In accord to exsisting laws in Germany, i.e. the laws that are concerned with traffic regulations, firefighters are not allowed to use signals on their pov (private owned vehicles)!

No law without any exceptions? 4 sure .... but those are pov`s of c-in-c`s like a commander in chief of a volunteer fire dept of a city /or village or even "higher than that..."

German police officers are already closing their eyes to those peoples who use yellow plates whith an " Firefghter in action" or so, but this does not mean, they`re besides all laws, even you will find bunches of crackpots acting this way ....

hope this was the right answer
yours sincerely

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AutorThor8ste8n S8., Eltingshausen / Bayern511673
Datum29.09.2008 18:428952 x gelesen

it´s not allowed in Germany.

Schönen Gruss

Thorsten Schlotter

Mein Beitrag --- Meine persönliche Meinung ---

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AutorLuc 8M., Gistel / Belgien511672
Datum29.09.2008 18:3911966 x gelesen
I am a professional fire fighter in Belgium. I am looking into what the voluntary firefighters are using in their private vehicles to respond to a emergency call to the fire station. Do you use a blue or red light in your car or is this not permitted by law in your country?

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 29.09.2008 18:39 Luc 7M., Gistel
 29.09.2008 18:42 Thor7ste7n S7., Eltingshausen
 29.09.2008 19:08 ., Jülich
 29.09.2008 19:51 Luc 7M., Gistel
 30.09.2008 00:53 Dani7el 7M., Jockgrim
 30.09.2008 07:59 Luc 7M., Gistel
 30.09.2008 10:38 Dani7el 7M., Jockgrim
 30.09.2008 12:29 Marc7el 7L., Burgdorf
 30.09.2008 01:00 ., Jülich
 30.09.2008 08:00 Luc 7M., Gistel
 30.09.2008 08:35 Jose7f M7., Bad Urach
 30.09.2008 08:45 ., Großraum München
 30.09.2008 09:47 Chri7s M7., Velbert
 30.09.2008 12:24 ., Jülich
 30.09.2008 16:31 Chri7s M7., Velbert
 30.09.2008 20:52 Luc 7M., Gistel
 01.10.2008 11:17 Chri7s M7., Velbert
 30.09.2008 11:10 ., Jülich
 30.09.2008 11:12 Mich7ael7 R.7, GL (Köln)
 30.09.2008 12:28 Sven7 W.7, Hemer
 30.09.2008 21:37 Klau7s B7., Isernhagen
 30.09.2008 21:42 Stef7an 7B., Alpen/Aachen
 30.09.2008 21:44 Diet7mar7 R.7, Essen
 30.09.2008 21:50 Klau7s B7., Isernhagen
 30.09.2008 23:36 ., Jülich
 01.10.2008 08:32 Klau7s B7., Isernhagen
 01.10.2008 08:34 ., Großraum München
 30.09.2008 11:52 ., Bad Hersfeld
 30.09.2008 11:53 Mich7ael7 R.7, GL (Köln)
 30.09.2008 22:07 Jose7f M7., Bad Urach
 30.09.2008 22:03 Anto7n S7., Köln
 01.10.2008 08:12 Luc 7M., Gistel

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