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Advanced Life Support = erweiterte/fortgeschrittene Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung
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ThemaNew York: Löschfahrzeug und Drehleiter stoßen zusammen- 12 Verletzte9 Beiträge
AutorStef8an 8B., Großhansdorf / 588891
Datum25.10.2009 01:46      MSG-Nr: [ 588891 ]2832 x gelesen

Anbei das Kräfteaufgebot und die Rückmeldungen aus NY:

Battalion 39 reported an Urgent for a major MVA with possible pin between TL107 and E236 at Hegeman Ave and Ashford St. Accident was classified as Major by Division 15. More details to follow.

East New York, Brooklyn, NY, 10/24/09

Location: Hegeman Ave and Ashford St

09:36 hours
Battalion 39 to Brooklyn, URGENT! We just had an apparatus MVA between L107 and E236, Hegeman and Ashford, have a full response! We have a confirmed pin at this location, get Rescue on the box!

Verbal Box
/Engs. 290, 231, 225
Battalions 39, Safety
Rescue 2
Division 15
Command Tactical Unit/

09:39 hours
/Rescue Battalion is responding/

09:40 hours
/L175 is responding/

09:42 hours
BC39: Get an ALS Bus responding!

09:46 hours
Division 15: E236 and TL107, make this a Major Accident, make sure all the necessary units respond in.

09:49 hours
Rescue Battalion: Respond Rescue 4 in this direction please.
/Rescue 4 S/C/

09:54 hours
/Battalion 44 is at the scene, assigned in./

09:56 hours
DC15 with a Mixer-off message

09:57 hours
Command Tactical Unit is OOS, Photo Unit is unavailable.

09:57 hours
/Car 12B (OSHA) is responding/

10:01 hours
Battalion 44: Notify the department mechanic to respond forthwith to this location please.

10:03 hours
/Fleet Services Supervisor reports full response is en route.
Battalion 58 S/C to the hospital for member tracking./

10:03 hours
/Safety Command Photo Unit is responding/

10:12 hours
/E332, L103 are also on scene
/Car 13 (AC Thomas Jensen, Chief of Fire Prevention) is responding /

10:16 hours - Duration 40 minutes
DC15: Box 1915, can we have OEM respond, can I get a mixer-off message.

10:24 hours
DC15: Box 1915, we need Mike's Towing to respond with their big rigs.

10:22 hours
/Car 1E (Commissioner's Liaison) is responding/

10:35 hours
L102 is 10-8 in TL120's response area
/Car 12 (Chief of Safety) is responding /

10:51 hours
/Battalions 57 and 51 assigned to hospitals for member tracking./

10:57 hours
/Car 7 (AC Edward Kilduff, Brooklyn Borough Commander) is 10-84//

mfg Stefan

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 24.10.2009 20:33 Jure7k D7., Walldorf
 24.10.2009 21:05 Chri7sti7an 7G., Berlin
 24.10.2009 21:26 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
 24.10.2009 23:45 ., Kirchheim unter Teck
 25.10.2009 01:46 Stef7an 7B., Großhansdorf
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 25.10.2009 08:42 ., Berlin
 26.10.2009 19:13 Jure7k D7., Walldorf
 26.10.2009 19:32 ., Kirchheim unter Teck


New York: Löschfahrzeug und Drehleiter stoßen zusammen- 12 Verletzte - Feuerwehr-Forum / © 1996-2017, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt