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The Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC), operated by the European Commission in Brussels, is the operational heart of the Community Mechanism for Civil Protection.
The Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC), operated by the European Commission in Brussels, is the operational heart of the Community Mechanism for Civil Protection.
RubrikKatastrophenschutz zurück
ThemaEU und weitere Forderungen zur Entwicklung im KatS5 Beiträge
AutorUlri8ch 8C., Düsseldorf / NRW417313
Datum26.07.2007 21:50      MSG-Nr: [ 417313 ]7340 x gelesen


das folgende passt zu diversen Berichten aus den letzten Wochen/Monaten:

Insbesondere diese Passage:
This year there have been extreme weather conditions in the South of Europe and forest fires have been particularly severe. Cooperation in the framework of the Mechanism has proven to work well. The MIC reacted quickly and effectively to facilitate and support the mobilisation of Member States' assistance. However, the MIC's experience also underlines the importance of further developing the Community Civil Protection Mechanism and strengthening the MIC by giving it an autonomous capacity to mobilise additional fire-fighting resources. A more robust European system is needed to deal with the increases in natural disasters across Europe. Last year, former Commissioner and French Minister for Agriculture Michel Barnier published a report on the establishment of an EU Civil Protection Force to deal with major disasters. The Commission is committed to exploring all possible ways to improve European civil protection cooperation and to work closely with Member States and the European Parliament in this respect.

Der Barnier-Bericht wurde u.a. in Deutschland im letzten Jahr noch von vielen eher belächelt, aber auch hier zeigt sich, dass die Mühlen der EU langsam aber beharrlich arbeiten....


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